The launch of blockchain framework for drone market

4 min readApr 11, 2018


The era of technology is rapidly unfolding before our eyes, creating new markets and opening up unexplored horizons for humanity. Wishing to contribute to this process, Simlabs company, in cooperation with Distributed Sky team, as well as with Airalab and Drone Employee companies, launches a blockchain framework for the drone market.

The rapid increase in drone use presents new challenges for mankind. How can we ensure safety with increasing density of air traffic? Simlabs team is dedicated to solving similar tasks in the related areas. Some of these solutions may be managing air structure, laying optimal air routes, generating flight plans, forecasting and resolving potential emergencies, or managing drone swarms. The experience accumulated by the team allows us to offer software solutions in such an innovative field.

What kind of framework is it?

A great future for drones is associated with their applications in business. They are already successfully applied in areas like searching for missing people, delivery of goods, construction, agriculture, weather forecasts, etc. Customers can use a single portal to order these services, rather than buying or renting a drone, buying specialized software and hiring professionals to manage it.

The largest amount of drones is now purchased by individuals for photo- and video materials, and the majority of private drones is used extremely rarely (like the one we have in Simlabs). We believe that the future of their usage lies with drones co-sharing. Image of that future gave us an idea of launching a solution that allows any organization or private owner to offer their drones for participation in requested projects for a fee.

The choice of an order executor is made with the help of the blockchain technology, therefore, guaranteeing an even selection of a performer according to the pre-established rules and the certified transfer of compensation when the terms of the contract are fulfilled (Smart Contract technology).

Thus, we see the drone services future as a marketplace. On the one hand, marketplace for customers who do not have the required hardware, software, or professionals. On the other hand, marketplace for providers who are ready to perform various services using drones.

How will providers provide the services?

Simlabs supplies the drone services providers with the software needed to implement the services offered. For example, as a provider, having 10 drones available, you can provide a level of pollution in the air measurement service. Even without understanding the subject area, the provider can purchase a software module in order to organize this service. Under the control of the module, the selected drones fly to the required location to make the necessary number of measurements and transmit the values to the software module. Next, this module processes the key measurements. The result of his work is a model of air pollution that is sent to the customer.

An example of platform usage

In Smart City an emergency occurs that results in a potentially harmful to human health volatile substances release. A resident of a nearby house reports the incident via one of the instant messengers to a bot that represents the city administration. The bot initiates a procedure of responding to a potential environmental threat. A signal about the potential threat comes to an operator of the Smart City control system.

The operator confirms the need to measure hazardous substances in the air in and around the area of potential contamination. The request for the hazardous substances measurement is automatically added through the portal for rendering robotic services.

The portal forms a tender for the provision of the service. Using an internal trading system, the system matches the measurement request with a proposal from one of the local providers of drone services. The comparison takes the parameters of the service, the cost of implementation and the required equipment of the provider into account. As a result, the provider receives a message about the created contractual obligation and proceeds to the task.

The selected drone services provider has already purchased the Simlabs module in order to provide services of measuring hazardous substances in the air. The module calculates the flight routes for each drone participating in the service. The module takes into account the drone’s charge, coordinates and the number of done measurements for each drone. Flight plans for drones are laid in a way that complies with local Unmanned Traffic Management rules, as well as with all the restrictions that are imposed on flights in Smart City.

When all the measurements are taken and processed by the program module, the operator sees information on the quantitative equivalent of the contamination, the propagation model, and a forecast based on the current information from the sensors and the weather in a form of a temperature map. The same information is automatically sent to other connected Smart City services.

The provider receives confirmation of the service execution, as well as a payment through Etherium blockchain.

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Written by Simlabs

Tailored modeling and simulation solutions // Custom software development for Simulation, Training and EdTech

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